Building a Feedback Culture Practice Areas

Places to continue growth and learning

Purpose: How to give, receive, and integrate feedback to adapt, learn, and win.


  • Make a list of the different areas in your life where you are not being honest with yourself or others and are looking to make a shift. Distinguish the game you have been playing. Determine how it is going and envision how you want it to be.

  • Have a reminder each day (this could be in your calendar, in your phone notifications, on a notepad in your office, etc.) to provide positive feedback to someone on your team. This will encourage and help foster an environment of communication and feedback.

  • Watch this short TedTalk video: The Secret to Giving Great Feedback

  • Check out any of the following books on feedback culture (for more, see here!): 

    • How to Win Friends and Influence People, Dale Carnegie

    • Radical Candor, Kim Scott

    • Thanks For The Feedback, Douglas Stone + Sheila Heen

  • Reflect: Was there a moment this past week when you found the urge to defend yourself when receiving feedback?

  • Reflect: Was there a moment this past week when you hesitated to give someone feedback.

  • In either or both of the above reflections, how can you change the narrative around feedback so that you can avoid these situations?

  • Notice when people are sharing/talking ‘in service of’ the conversation. How are they moving the conversation forward?

  • Practice listening fully to those around you. Observe objectively and distinguish emotion and stories in what they say.

With Your Team

  • Practice integrating two of the skills discussed in the session into your day to day routine. Share what you’re working on with a teammate or colleague. 

  • Ask one friend, family member, or colleague to share feedback with and receive feedback from weekly. Notice the shift in relationship. 

  • Have a conversation with your team about the importance of feedback and strategies to deliver and receive it effectively. 

  • Check in with your teammates/staff. Ask what would support them? Offer resources if necessary.


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