Building a Feedback Culture Practice Areas
How to give, receive, and integrate feedback to adapt, learn, and win.
Career Scorecard
Designed to make your expertise, skills, and competence impossible to forget. Think of this as a scouting report of your greatness.
Connection Questions
The following coaching questions are designed to support teammates engage in cohesive and productive conversations that foster relationships, connection, and shared awareness on the team.
Decision Matrix
Use this tool to gain clarity on big decisions by synchronizing your logic and intuition.
Embrace The Mess Practice areas
Harness the power of both-and thinking to generate creative solutions in a complex world
Fear Setting Exercise
Tool to gauge the potential risk of that opportunity that feels too scary.
Fostering Team Connection practice areas
Practices and resources to build and grow trust and connection in a disconnected world.
Hero, Hardship, Highlight
Classic icebreaker that has the group push past the superficial and share what's important to them with three simple prompts.
High-Performance Habits Practice Areas
The counter-intuitive approach to moving faster in life.
iOS Orientation
A tool to give you direction when the rest of the world around you seems messy.
Leveraging Productive Conflict Practice Areas
How to lean into difficult conversations to create stronger relationships and better outcomes.
Life Resume
Personal document that reminds you of just how badass you are when you forget ;)
Mastering Self-Enrollment Practice Areas
How coaches can show up powerfully in order to serve selflessly and deliver extraordinary results.
New Coaching Client Onboarding Process | When a New Client Says 'Yes'
Step-by-step instructions after a new client says 'yes' in your private practice.
Olympic Rings well-being inventory
What are the 5 core well-being habits that have you feeling like an Olympian?