Fostering Team Connection practice areas

Places to continue growth and learning.

Purpose: Practices and resources to build and grow trust and connection in a disconnected world.

Individual Practices

With Your Team

  • Practice integrating two of the skills discussed in the session into your day-to-day routine. Share what you’re working on with a teammate or colleague. 

  • Ask one friend, family member, or colleague to support you with a personal or professional challenge. Notice the shift in relationship. 

  • Have a conversation with your team about your team’s Overwhelm Cycle over the course of a year. Discuss your Exit Strategy and reinvent how you want it to go. 

  • Check-in with your teammates/staff. Ask what would support them. Offer resources if necessary.

  • Set up a weekly check-in meeting with your team. Use this as an opportunity to discuss overwhelm, burnout, and ways to practice high-performing habits.


Fear Setting Exercise


Hero, Hardship, Highlight