New Coaching Client Onboarding Process | When a New Client Says 'Yes'
Step-by-step instructions after a new client says 'yes' in your private practice.
Type: Process Overview; Email Template
Timeline: I look to get this sent out in 12 hours or less. Possibility dies with time.
Download or copy and paste email onboarding template below
Replace all text in RED with details specific to your engagement.
Erase instructional and extraneous text and comments
Onboarding Process Overview
*Client says 'yes'. Wahoo! Congratulations to you and to them!
[10 minutes] Individualize Client Services Agreement with name, $$$, sessions per month, and contract duration - my template is attached. Feel free to personalize it to you.
[5 minutes] Load Client Services Agreement into HelloSign. You can create an account for free. It is very user-friendly and allows you to send 3 free documents out for signature each month.
Other recommended software: Docusign
[10 minutes] Generate the first invoice (prorated for sessions if necessary) via QuickBooks.
[10 minutes] Send the following email that provides directions and action items for the client to complete.
Step 6: Watch the money flow in…. :)
Email Subject Line: Coaching Next Steps
Client Name,
It was great speaking with you this morning - I am so looking forward to working together!
Here are our next steps:
Read, sign, and submit the Client Services Agreement sent via HelloSign just a moment ago (note: this may go to Spam).
Complete the invoice sent via QuickBooks just a moment ago. This is prorated for the month of XYZ. Moving forward, there will be an automated invoice sent out on the 25th of each month, due by the 1st of the following month.
Submit the Confidential Client Profile before our next session. This provides
a general baseline for how things are going – no pressure to answer any
questions. Give yourself 15-20 minutes and submit whatever you have.Let's get our first session scheduled! We may need to be a bit creative with our timing for the first couple of weeks until we get into a regular rhythm. However, let me know which of the following times might work for us next week:
Date 1
Date 2
Date 3
Let me know what questions you have on any of the above. I can't wait to get going!
Talk soon,
Your Name