Mastering Self-Enrollment Practice Areas

Places to continue growth and learning

Purpose: How Coaches Can Show Up Powerfully In Order To Serve Selflessly And Deliver Extraordinary Results


  • Make a list of the different areas in your life (both in and out of work) where you have a desire to uplevel. Distinguish where you have been playing small. Determine how it is going and envision how you want it to be.

  • Reflection: Do you feel like you are pouring from an empty cup? Where is your well-being out of alignment? Pick one area this week and make a change. Remember, you cannot provide the best for your clients if you are not providing the best for yourself. 

  • Exercise: Develop a mission statement for your coaching business if you do not have one already. How do you want to serve your clients? Boil this down into a statement and own it.

  • Check out any of the following books on individual and organizational growth (for more, see here!): 

  • Subscribe to Brene Brown’s podcast Unlocking Us. Share the episode that resonates most with a colleague.

  • Listen to an episode of Dan Harris’s podcast, Ten Percent Happier. Share an episode with a friend or colleague. 

  • Watch This is Water (7 mins) on YouTube by David Foster Wallace. Notice what strikes you. If valuable, share the video with someone with whom it would resonate.

With Your Team

  • Ask one friend, family member, or colleague to support you with a personal or professional challenge. Notice the shift in relationship. 

  • Have a conversation with your team about the team’s Overwhelm Pattern over the course of a year. Discuss your Exit Strategy and reinvent how you want it to go. 

  • Check-in with your teammates/staff. Ask what would support them. Offer resources if necessary.




New Coaching Client Onboarding Process | When a New Client Says 'Yes'